South Texas Economic Development

South Texas Economic Development: COSTEP Announces Launch of New Website

Image courtesy of  Rio Grande Guardian

Website Will Help Companies Get Data to Expand to Our Region
Adam Gonzalez, CEO of The Council for South Texas Economic Progress, recently met with Steve Taylor of The Rio Grande Guardian to discuss COSTEP’s new website. The website provides detailed information about the “Rio South Texas” region, which includes communities on both sides of the Rio Grande River extending from Laredo/Nuevo Laredo to Brownsville/Matamoros.
“We have a plethora of data that can be used by any entity. If they want to just deal with their community to provide an RFI (request for proposal) to a company that’s coming in, or they just want to use that data, it’s all available to them for free at COSTEP,” said Gonzalez.

South Texas Economic Development

COSTEP’s mission is to assist companies looking to expand or move to South Texas, providing detailed information regarding properties, industrial parks, port of entry, the Port of Brownsville, international bridges, the workforce, and more.  
To read the article in full, please visit The Rio Grande Guardian.