Rio Grande Trade

COSTEP Drives Growth in Rio Grande Trade: A Key Hub for Business Expansion

Photo by Roberto Hugo González,

The Rio Grande trade is rapidly emerging as a prime destination for businesses looking to expand, thanks to the efforts of COSTEP, led by CEO Adam Gonzalez and Director of Economic Development Rick Carrera. During a recent presentation, Carrera outlined how COSTEP drives economic growth by leveraging the region’s strategic location near the U.S.-Mexico border.

COSTEP has been instrumental in highlighting the region’s advantages, from its robust infrastructure—including highways, ports such as the Brownsville, TX, port of entry, and railroads—to the availability of industrial parks ready for development. With a significant workforce and expanding cross-border collaborations, Rio Grande trade can capitalize on trends like nearshoring, drawing companies closer to the U.S.

COSTEP’s partnerships with organizations in Mexico and their focus on promoting the region’s assets, such as manufacturing capabilities, make Rio South Texas an attractive option for industries looking to tap into new opportunities.

Growth in the Rio Grande Trade

For more insights on how COSTEP is transforming the Rio South Texas economy and exploring the full scope of its efforts, check out the original article online from!