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An exciting new day is dawning in Rio South Texas

as COSTEP, Council for South Texas Economic Progress broadens its organizational mission and its vision.

For the past 49 years, COSTEP has helped local residents in the seven-county Rio South Texas region provide a better life for themselves and their families through educational initiatives such as helping fund millions of dollars in student scholarships and providing free financial literacy education programs.

Now, COSTEP is advancing regional prosperity through the addition of a strategic framework for economic development. This framework is data-driven and market-validated, with a strong emphasis on job creation and building a regional talent pipeline, all working toward the goal of creating a virtuous circle of education and employment to drive sustainable economic development in South Texas and prosperity for the region and its citizens.

Economic Development in South Texas: An Opportunity for Pivotal Input 

The new framework also provides a platform for collaboration, allowing regional stakeholders to work alongside COSTEP to develop, complement and support initiatives to enhance outcomes not only for stakeholders but also for the betterment of individual communities as well as the region as a whole.

For the private business leader and visionary, COSTEP presents the opportunity to:

  • Adding your voice to the regional conversation to help drive results that uplift communities.
  • Helping to guide economic development outcomes by taking part in the pioneering process of industrial recruitment unprecedented in scale for this region.
  • Committing to invest in COSTEP’s ongoing capital campaign, demonstrating your passion for growing the regional economy and improving the lives of its citizens.
Connect with us today to learn more about the initiatives that promise vital new growth for the Rio South Texas region.

Grow Your Business in Rio South Texas